As mandated by the University's governing body, the Board of Regents, the faculty is empowered to determine academic policy; set conditions for admission and the granting of degrees; authorize and supervise courses and curricula; and advise the administration on faculty appointments, promotions and budgets. This delegated authority makes the UC Academic Senate unique among faculty governments.
The Systemwide Academic Senate, along with its campus divisions, provides the organizational framework that enables the faculty to exercise its right to participate in the University's governance. The Berkeley Division formulates positions on campus and systemwide issues through a deliberative process that includes standing committees, Divisional Council, and plenary meetings of its Senate membership. Senate leaders also consult regularly with their administrative counterparts.
Standing Order of the Regents 105.1 codifies the organizations of the Academic Senate. Standing Order of the Regents 105.2 articulates the duties, powers, and privileges of the Senate. The code of the Senate is contained in the "Manual of the Academic Senate," which is divided into two sections. These are the Bylaws that set forth the membership, authority and organization of the Senate, and the Regulations that codify the requirements for admission, degrees, and courses and curricula. The Manual of the Berkeley Division can be accessed here.
Read more about shared governance:
- Shared Governance at the University of California: A Historical Review (Douglass, 1998)
- Shared Governance at the University of California: An Overview (Simmons, 1995)