Committee Descriptions and Priorities
Academic Senate · Division Chair · Senate Committees
The Committee on Academic Freedom considers and reports on any conditions within the University which, in its judgement, may affect the academic freedom of any members of the University community, including students, staff, and faculty. The Committee both proactively studies and reports on issues that arise with respect to academic freedom, and is also frequently asked to formally comment on proposals pending in some fashion before the UCB Academic Senate. The Committee also occasionally provides comments on proposals before the Systemwide Academic Senate. ACFR meets at least twice a year, with additional meetings as needed. The schedule is arranged at the beginning of each year.
The Committee on Academic Planning and Resource Allocation confers with and advises the Chancellor on policy regarding academic and physical planning, budget, and resource allocation, both annual and long range. The Committee also initiates studies in planning and budget matters, and if necessary to accomplish the study, authorizes establishment of ad hoc committees. CAPRA reports regularly to the Divisional Council and to the Division. Together, these duties are the means through which CAPRA pursues its mission of ensuring that the UC Berkeley community collectively shepherds our resources—money, space, and time—as effectively as possible in order to advance research, teaching, and service. CAPRA seeks to think about the campus holistically and systematically. CAPRA meets biweekly on Wednesdays, 9:00 – 11:00 a.m.
The Academic Senate has delegated authority to determine conditions for admission to the university. At Berkeley, the Committee on Admissions, Enrollment, and Preparatory Education (AEPE) is charged with considering matters involving admissions and enrollment. It coordinates this work primarily with the Office of Undergraduate Admissions (OUA). It also advises and coordinates with UC systemwide committees on undergraduate admissions and preparatory education, the campus Executive Coordination Board on admissions & enrollment, and other campus bodies on practices affecting the composition of the Berkeley undergraduate student population. Meets monthly on Fridays from 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
The Subcommittee on the Breadth Requirement in American Cultures is a subcommittee of the Committee on Courses of Instruction (COCI) with responsibility for evaluating courses fulfilling the campus undergraduate breadth requirement in American Cultures. Members assess faculty proposals for new and revised courses as well as petitions from students. AMCULT meets monthly on Fridays, 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Assembly Representation represents the Berkeley Division at meetings of the Statewide Assembly. The call to meetings will be distributed to Senate members at least 10 calendar days prior to the meeting, per Senate Bylaw 120.B, and will be available on the systemwide Assembly web page(link is external). Berkeley Senate members may comment on agenda items through their Assembly representatives. If you would like to participate in an Assembly teleconference from a central campus location, please contact us for coordination purposes at sends e-mail). AREP meets three times a year.
The Committee on Budget and Interdepartmental Relations represents the Division in academic appointment and promotion matters and in the allocation of resources. BIR is guided by two general mandates from the Senate: to maintain the excellence of the Berkeley faculty, and to promote the equal treatment of similarly situated faculty across campus. The Committee meets every Thursday from 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m., and also every Tuesday from 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. during the spring semester.
The Committee on Committees appoints the Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, and Parliamentarian of the Division; all other standing committees; special committees as the Division may direct; nominees for appointments to administrative committees when called upon by the Chancellor; and the student members to committees on educational affairs. COMS meets biweekly on Wednesdays, 12:00 – 2:00 p.m.
The Committee on Computing and Information Technology advises the Division and the Administration on the acquisition, utilization, privacy, accessibility, and security of computers, information systems, and electronic communications, and related facilities and resources. CIT meets monthly.
The Committee on Courses of Instruction reviews and approves new courses and modification in existing courses, and considers requests for variances in course and graduation requirements. COCI meets as a full committee biweekly on Fridays, 1:30 – 3:30 p.m. and the discipline subcommittees meet for an hour in the weeks during which the full committee meetings are scheduled.
The Committee on Demonstrations and Student Actions advises the Senate on policies and actions related to participation, planning, or policing of campus events or actions that may generate protests and demonstrations. Lectures by controversial figures, student movements, and labor demonstrations may present tests of existing campus policies and create a need for change. The Committee meets regularly with the Division Chair, senior campus administrators, the Police Chief, and faculty leaders of the Chancellor’s Independent Advisory Board on Police Accountability. The DSA Chair has a role as an observer on the joint administration/Senate Protest Response Team (PRT), which is activated when campus protest events are planned. DSA meets monthly or more frequently as needed, at times that work for the majority of its members.
The Committee on Diversity, Equity, and Campus Climate reviews issues relating to diversity, equity, and climate. DECC works with the Associate Vice Provost for the Faculty and the Vice Chancellor for Equity & Inclusion to review how campus decisions may affect equity and diversity. The Committee participates in academic program reviews. Each member is expected to serve on one review each academic year. This involved reviewing the unit's current climate and the trajectory outlined by the required diversity plan. DECC also nominates to the Division the recipient of the Leon A. Henkin Citation for Distinguished Service. DECC meets monthly on Thursdays, 2:00 - 4:00 p.m.
The Divisional Council is the executive body of the Berkeley Division of the Academic Senate, acting on behalf of the Division on matters except legislative changes. DIVCO members therefore see the full range of topics that come before the Senate and gain a good overview and understanding of the working of the University. The membership of DIVCO includes the chairs of many Senate committees plus six elected members. DIVCO meets on alternate Mondays, 12:00 – 2:00 p.m.
The Committee on Faculty Award reviews and nominations for the Clark Kerr Award and Berkeley Faculty Service awards, along with Divisional and external emeriti awards. It also honors awardees with special receptions, held in the fall for the Clark Kerr Award and in the spring the Berkeley Faculty Service Award. FAC usually meets once a month, or as needed.
The Committee on Faculty Research Lecture is to nominate for approval by the Divisional Council two members of the Division who have made distinguished records in research, each to deliver a lecture upon a topic of his or her choice. Meets once in the spring.
The Committee on Faculty Welfare serves to confer with campus administration and make recommendations to the Division on a broad range of matters of concern for both active and emeriti faculty, such as conditions of employment, research and office space, salary and benefits, to housing, and other matters unique to the faculty population. Additionally, the committee has representation on several administrative committees. The FWEL meets monthly on Mondays, 3:00 - 5:00 p.m.
The Graduate Council has delegated authority to set university policy regarding graduate curriculum and to establish the requirements for higher degrees. It coordinates this work with Graduate Division and advises the Dean and Vice Provost for Graduate Studies on finances and implementation. Typically, members are expected to serve on two reviews and one subcommittee per semester. GC meets monthly on Mondays, 2:00 – 4:30 p.m.
The Library Committee advises the Chancellor regarding the administration of the Berkeley Library. In consultation with the University Librarian, it oversees matters including collections and scholarly resources, scholarly communications, and operations. It also corresponds with affiliated system-wide committees on such matters and advises the Division on other questions of campus and system-wide policy as they are referred. The committee meets monthly on Thursdays, 9:00 – 11:00 a.m.
The University of California has a long-standing tradition of honoring members of the academic community with commemorative resolutions prepared by their colleagues. In earlier years, tributes to distinguished faculty were included in the University of California Chronicle, which was established in 1898. Subsequently, memorials were published in the Academic Senate’s In Memoriam, which now continues online. The Committee on Memorial Resolutions arranges for the preparation of the memorials by faculty who are familiar with the individual’s work. In addition to recognizing the contributions of scholars, scientists, engineers, mathematicians, librarians, administrators, and others, the memorials serve to record the growth of academic fields at Berkeley. They also shed light on the campus as a living institution of learning and teaching. CMR meets once a year.
The Committee on Privilege and Tenure considers three types of cases: grievance cases brought by Senate faculty members; disciplinary charges brought by the Chancellor against Senate faculty members or other qualifying faculty members for alleged violations of the Faculty Code of Conduct; and cases appealing early termination brought by Senate or non-Senate faculty members. P&T possesses advisory authority only, making recommendations to the Chancellor. In grievance cases, P&T determines whether there is sufficient reason to believe that the grievant’s rights and privileges have been violated. If so, a formal hearing is conducted, involving the presentation of evidence and the testimony of witnesses. In disciplinary cases, there are no prima facie or sufficient reason determinations by P&T, and a formal hearing is held once charges have been filed by the Administration. Typically, the Committee meets two or three times a semester for 1½ to 2 hours. Members of P&T may be asked to serve on subcommittees investigating grievance claims and on hearing panels for grievance cases or disciplinary cases. Hearings typically last for 3-4 days, after which the panel drafts a report to the Chancellor. Typically, a member of P&T would not serve on more than one hearing in a given academic year.
The Committee on Research is the Academic Senate committee that advises the Berkeley Division on matters pertaining to the campus' research mission. The committee meets at least twice each year with the Vice Chancellor for Research and also hears regularly from the major campus units related to research, including the Sponsored Projects Office. The committee advises and participates in reviews of Organized Research Units. COR meets monthly on Thursdays, 2:00 - 4:00 p.m.
The Committee on Rules and Elections interprets and proposes changes to the By-Laws and Regulations, and supervises elections and other Divisional votes. The Division Secretary is chair of R&E.
The Committee on Teaching is charged with fostering, recognizing, and rewarding excellent teaching on the Berkeley campus. COT currently has two subcommittees; members have some flexibility in choosing which subcommittee on which they serve (and can serve on both). The first subcommittee evaluates the teaching records and practices of faculty nominated by their departments for the campus Distinguished Teaching Award, and recommends recipients to the Divisional Council. The second subcommittee studies issues related to teaching on the campus and formulates recommendations in response to requests from various stakeholders concerning teaching practices and policies. COT members also occasionally serve on standing committees and special task forces that require a COT representative. Meeting schedule to be arranged.
The Undergraduate Council advises the Senate on matters related to undergraduate programs, educational policies, curriculum development, and the quality of undergraduate student life. UGC participates in academic program reviews and reviews proposals for new undergraduate majors, programs, and schools. Members typically serve on one departmental review or liaise with other committees (campus or UC systemwide). UGC meets monthly on Wednesdays, 2:00 – 4:00 p.m.
The Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Honors and Financial Aid meets often and recommends to the Chancellor policies related to awarding financial aid to undergraduates and criteria for undergraduates to graduate with honors. CUSHFA also arranges selection and interviewing by UC Berkeley faculty of senior high school students for the Regents’ and Chancellor’s Scholarship and the Fiat Lux Scholarship.