Academic Planning and Resource Allocation (CAPRA)

Initiates and advises on annual and long-range academic and physical planning.

Committee Roster 2023-24


  • J. Miguel Villas-Boas (Business) - Chair
  • Fiona Doyle (MSE) - Vice Chair


  • Stefano Bertozzi (Public Health)
  • Teresa Caldeira (CRP)
  • Duncan Callaway (ERG)
  • Pheng Cheah (Rhetoric) - spring only
  • Marianne Constable (Rhetoric) - fall only
  • Stefano DellaVigna (Economics)
  • Deniz Gokturk (German) - fall only
  • Xiaohua Gong (Optometry)
  • Wick Haxton (Physics)
  • Roberto Horowitz (Mech Eng) - fall only
  • Dorian Liepmann (BioE/Mech Eng)
  • Sara McMains (Mech Eng)
  • Eva Nogales (MCB)
  • Nicholas Paige (French)
  • Carol Redmount (MELC)
  • Nathan Sayre (Geography)
  • Raja Sengupta (CEE)
  • Richard Stanton (Business)
  • Jason Wittenberg (Pol Sci)

Student Members

  • Krish Desai (Graduate Assembly) - Vice President, Campus Affairs
  • Sydney Roberts (ASUC)- President

Ex Officio

  • Maximilian Auffhammer (ARE/IAS) - Division Chair (nonvoting)
  • Amani Nuru-Jeter (Public Health) - Division Vice Chair
  • Thomas Dandelet (History) - LIBR Chair

By Invitation

  • Lisa Alvarez-Cohen (Academic Planning)- Vice Provost (nonvoting)
  • Dat Le - Chief Administrative Officers (nonvoting)


Meeting Schedule

Meetings are held on Wednesdays from 9:10-11:00 a.m. 

Fall 2024

  • September 4
  • September 18
  • October 2
  • October 16
  • October 30
  • November 13
  • November 20
  • December 4

Spring 2025

  • January 19
  • February 12
  • February 26
  • March 12
  • March 19
  • April 2
  • April 16
  • April 30


Please visit the CAPRA Reports and Recommendations page for all Annual Reports and Budget and Policy Recommendations.