Divisional Council (DIVCO), Senate committees, and task forces and subcommittees provide recommendations and consultation on a range of campus and systemwide issues. Selected reports and recommendations are compiled here. The DIVCO and committee annual reports provide comprehensive annual lists of recommendations and actions.
- Report of the Joint Academic and Administrative Working Group on the University Library(link is external) (06/30/23)
- Committee on Academic Planning and Resource Allocation Budget and Policy Recommendations for 2023-24 (May 2023)
- Committee on Academic Planning and Resource Allocation Budget and Policy Recommendations for 2022-23
- UGC Report on Student Learning and Quality of Life in the COVID Era and Beyond (May 2022)
- Report of the DIVCO Task Force on Online and Remote Instruction Post-COVID (published 05/11/21)
- Committee on Academic Planning and Resource Allocation Budget and Policy Recommendations for 2021-22
- Distance-Learning Alternative for Graduate Instruction-Fall 2020
- Committee on Academic Planning and Resource Allocation Budget and Policy Recommendations for 2020-21
- DIVCO statement in support of lecturers
- Recommendations of the Joint Administrative/Senate Task Force on Instructional Resilience
- Report of the Joint Administrative/Senate Fall 2020 Instructional Planning Task Force
- DIVCO response to campus Strategic Plan
- Committee on Academic Planning and Resource Allocation Budget and Policy Recommendations: 2019-20
- DIVCO response to Proposed revisions to Presidential Policy BFB-RMP-7 Protection of Administrative Records Containing Personally Identifiable Information
- DIVCO response to Senate Bylaw 336 proposed revisions
- DIVCO comments on UC transfer admission guarantee proposal
- DIVCO response to ASUC Proposal to Make Election Day a Non-Instructional Day
- DIVCO response to request for greater student representation on Academic Senate committees
- DIVCO comments on WiFi improvement funding proposal
- DIVCO comments on the Use of Contributions to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Statements for Academic Positions at the University of California
- DIVCO comments on proposed revisions to Presidential Policy BFB-RMP-7—Protection of Administrative Records Containing Personally Identifiable Information
- DIVCO comments on proposed New Academic Personnel Manual (APM), Section 011, Academic Freedom for NonFaculty Academic Appointees
- DIVCO comments on Strategic Plan's Signature Initiatives reports
- Academic Senate Task Force on Micro-credentials Report
- Report on the Status of Unit-18 Non-Senate Faculty (Lecturers) at UC Berkeley
- DIVCO comments to Academic Council on Negotiated Salary Trial Program--4 year report
- DIVCO comments on the Report of the Joint Administration-Academic Senate Task Force on Self-Supporting Degree Programs (SSGPDPs)
- Addressing Capped and Restricted Majors at UC Berkeley: Analysis and
Recommendations from the Undergraduate Council -
Committee on Academic Planning and Resource Allocation Analysis of Non-Academic Staffing
- Committee on Academic Planning and Resource Allocation Budget and Policy Recommendations for 2017-18
- DIVCO comments to Academic Council on a draft new presidential policy on international activities
- DIVCO comments to Academic Council on the draft presidential policy on unmanned aircraft systems
- DIVCO response to a proposed presidential policy on export controls
- DIVCO comments to Academic Council on a proposed revision of Regents Policies 3103 and 3104, regarding professional degree supplemental tuition (PDST)
- DIVCO comments the Academic Council on the report of the Joint Administration-Academic Senate Committee on Faculty Discipline
- Report on the governance structure of organized research units (ORUs)
- Committee on Academic Planning and Resource Allocation Budget and Policy Recommendations for 2015-16
- Berkeley Division response to the 2014 Total Renumeration Study for General Campus Ladder-Rank Faculty
- Guidelines for Accepting and Managing Equity in Return for Access to University Facilities and Services
- Berkeley Division comments on the Report on the Faculty Salary Equity Survey
- DIVCO comments to the Academic Council regarding doctoral student support
- Committee on Academic Planning and Resource Allocation recommendations on budget priorities for 2014-15
- Draft Policy on Professional Degree Supplemental Tuition
- Berkeley Division response to the Recommendations in the Independent Investigative Report on Acts of Bias and Discrimination Involving Faculty at UCLA (Moreno Report)
- Committee on Academic Planning and Resource Allocation budget recommendations for 2013-14
- Berkeley Division response to the UC Commission on the Future recommendations
- Berkeley Division response to the Future of the University statement
- Berkeley Division response to the UC Commission on the Future 2nd round recommendations
- Divisional Council response to the Online Evaluation of Courses Initiative mid-term report
- Berkeley Division response to the Proposal to expand the Area (d) laboratory science admission requirement to include Earth, Environmental, and Space Sciences (EESS)
- Berkeley Division response to the [Systemwide] Faculty Diversity Working Group briefing paper
- Berkeley Division response to the Report of the [Systemwide] Senate-Administration Taskforce on Faculty Salaries
- Berkeley Division response to the analysis of UC pay equity by sex, and among men, 2009-10
- Berkeley Division response to the negotiated salary trial program
- Berkeley Division response to the proposed policy to expand open access to research publications
- Special Committee on University Governance and Leadership final report
- Task Force on Intercollegiate Athletics Final Report
- Final report of the Online Graduate Degrees Working Group
- Berkeley Division response to the systemwide Special Committee on Online and Remote Instruction and Residency report
- Guidelines Regarding Student Scheduling Conflicts (superseded)
- Moore Report - A Report to the Berkeley Faculty on Undergraduate Admission and Comprehensive Review: 1995-2002 (May 2002)
- Scholarly Publishing Statement of Principles
- Joint Task Force on Textbook and Reader Affordability Report
- Task Force on Teaching Evaluation Final Report
- Joint Task Force on Exams Final Report
- Task Force on Senate Organization and Effectiveness Final Report
- University-Industry Collaboration Report
Statement in Support of Civil Liberties and Academic Freedom (December 2001)
- Executive Compensation Resolution
- The Implementation of the Karabel Report on Freshman Admissions at Berkeley: 1990-1993
1989 and before: