Library (LIBR)

Advises the Chancellor regarding administration of the Library; and

Performs such other duties relative to the Library as may be committed to the Division.

Committee Roster 2023-24


  • Thomas Dandelet, (History) - Chair


  • Déborah Blocker (French)
  • Steven Brenner (Plant and Microbial Biology) - Spring only
  • Amy Rose Deal (Linguistics) - Fall only
  • Brad DeLong (Economics)
  • Victoria Frede-Montemayor (History)
  • Mark Haiman (Mathematics)
  • Todd Hickey (Ancient Greek and Roman Studies)
  • Duncan MacRae (Ancient Greek and Roman Studies)
  • Daniel Melia (Rhetoric)
  • Benjamin Porter (Middle Eastern Languages and Cultures)
  • John Roberts (Music)

Student Members

  • Isaac Joyner, Graduate Assembly
  • Henry Isselbacher, ASUC

Ex Officio

  • Maximilian Auffhammer, (Agricultural and Resource Economics & International and Area Studies) – Division Chair (nonvoting)

By Invitation

  • Jeffrey Mackie-Mason, University Librarian
  • Christina Velázquez Fidler, LAUC-B, Vice Chair


  • Daniel Melia (Rhetoric) - Chair

Meeting Schedule

Please contact the committee chair for more meeting information.

The Library Committee meets monthly on Thursdays from 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

September 7, 2023

October 5

November 2

December 7

January 11, 2024

February 1

March 7

April 4

May 2

Annual Report

Please contact the committee analyst for additional reports. Please note that Library Committee annual reports are not available for the following years: 2014-15, 2016-17, 2017-18, 2018-19, and 2019-20.