1.1 Academic Senate Regulations and COCI Procedures

The Committee on Courses of Instruction (COCI) meets biweekly during the academic year to consider course proposals, variance requests, and matters pertaining to courses of instruction.

Academic Senate regulations govern courses of instruction for the University of California as a whole, and UC Berkeley in particular. COCI recommends that all staff in academic units have a working knowledge of both Systemwide and Berkeley Division Academic Senate regulations. These can be found online at http://academic-senate.berkeley.edu/manual and http://senate.universityofcalifornia.edu/bylaws-regulations/index.html(link is external).

Please note: The procedures and policies contained in this handbook consist of the Committee’s most recent interpretations of Systemwide and Berkeley Division Academic Senate regulations. These procedures and policies do not supersede Academic Senate regulations or the Standing Order of the Regents.