Special Studies courses are governed by Berkeley Division Regulation A230, which sets requirements for credit, course numbers, approvals, and limitations as follows:
- Field Study (numbered 97 and 197): Each section of a field study course requires a written proposal that the faculty sponsor must sign and the chair of the department must approve.
- Directed Group Study (numbered 98 and 198): Each section of a directed group study course must receive approval by the chair of the department (or equivalent unit) based on a written proposal submitted by the instructor who is to supervise the course that describes the matter to be studied, the methods of instruction, the number of units to be credited, and methods of evaluation of student performance. A copy of the approved proposal must be submitted to the Committee on Courses of Instruction. See section 2.4.1 on Student-Facilitated Group Study Courses (98/198, including “DeCal” Courses).
- Supervised Independent Study (numbered 99 and 199): Each section of an independent study course requires the prior consent of the instructor who is to supervise the course and the approval of the chair of the department (or equivalent) based on a written proposal that specifies the nature of the study, number of units to be credited, and the basis for grading. The consent of the student’s major advisor is also required for 199 courses.