Once an academic unit or sub-unit has been approved by the appropriate bodies, COCI approves the abbreviation (or code) that will be used to designate the new academic unit’s courses in CMS, transcripts, and other campus systems. Codes may be created for degree programs, majors, minors, graduate groups, groups of courses or subjects within a department (such as languages), or programs within a school. Courses may not be offered by organized research units (see UCOP policy at http://policy.ucop.edu/doc/2500488/ORU(link is external) or other non-academic units (see SR 739 at http://senate.universityofcalifornia.edu/bylaws-regulations/regulations/rpart3.html#r739(link is external)).
Units should provide the following information in a letter:
- State the name of the academic unit and affirm that it has been approved and by which bodies.
- Explain the reason for the request.
- List the courses to be offered (or describe planned courses).
- Suggest a code (character limit is seven, no spaces, no special characters).
- List the Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) code that will be assigned to the course code. Contact the Office of Planning and Analysis (opa@berkeley.edu) for questions about selecting a CIP code.
- State who will provide administrative support for the courses, including the names of the individuals who will serve as the Course Contact and Department Chair reviewer(s) in CMS.
COCI strongly recommends that units begin the process of creating new codes at least one year in advance of the semester in which courses are to be offered. This is to accommodate for current scheduling and enrollment deadlines.