Student-Facilitated Course Information

Last updated 10/21/24

Student-Facilitated Courses (Including DeCals)

The Academic Senate will accept student-facilitated course proposals (including DeCals) for Fall 2024 via online submission of a Google Form. All student-facilitated Course Proposals must be submitted through the Spring 2025 Student Facilitated Course Proposal Portal(link is external). The portal will open on October 21, 2024. 

For a submission to be considered complete, the Course Proposal Portal must be fully filled-in and include the PDF explained below. 

Submissions must include the following in a single PDF: 

a) The completed course proposal form (including the unit value worksheet). This will need to include signatures from the instructor of record and department chair. DocuSign and similar electronic signatures are acceptable. To submit the proposal, facilitators must have completed the UCFTR training. Please see the UCFTR website for a schedule of trainings(link is external).

b) A fully developed syllabus(link is external).

c) The faculty letter of support.

The deadline for submission of proposals to be offered in Fall 2024 is Tuesday, July 9, 2024. 

Individual department deadlines usually fall before COCI’s deadline. Late submissions, if approved by the sponsoring department, must be accompanied by a letter from the department chair or dean (or their designate) clearly laying out the reasons for the lateness. Please include this letter in the PDF of all proposal materials.

Any questions about this submission process should be directed to: Rachel Marias Dezendorf(link sends e-mail) at sends e-mail).

All requirements for student-facilitated courses and proposals remain the same as from previous semesters. See below.