- Course Contact: enters course information into the online Course Management System (CMS). Once the Course Contact submits a proposal in CMS, it is routed to the Department Chair.
- Department Chair: reviews and approves course proposals. The Department Chair role may be assigned to another faculty person (e.g., curriculum committee chair or another proxy), depending on the department’s procedures. Some units require an additional school or college review role. See the Assignment of User Roles section for more information. The proposal is automatically routed to these reviewers and once it is approved by the final reviewer, the proposal is automatically submitted to the Academic Senate.
- Academic Senate Staff: conduct a preliminary review of proposals and syllabi for completeness, and may contact department Course Contacts if more information is needed.
- COCI subcommittees (American Cultures, Humanities, Social Sciences, Sciences): meet to review course proposals. If more information is needed, Senate Staff will request it from department Course Contacts.
- COCI: evaluates recommendations of subcommittees and approves courses.
- Academic Senate Staff: Approves new courses and changes in CMS, which notifies department course contacts.
The diagram below demonstrates the pathway a course follows:
For more information on user-specific roles, please see the Assignment of User Roles section.