Proposal Sections in CMS:
The list below provides an overview of the main administrative functions in CMS. It is helpful to be logged into CMS and referring to your CMS screen when reviewing the points below.
- Course Search (top left side of the page) - Enter a department, course number, or keyword into the search bar at the top of the page. Click the Search Approved Courses button to bring up a list of courses. Click on the course in the list to open the course.
- List of all courses (Course Search - top left side of the page) - Enter a department code into the Course Search bar at the top of the page. Click the Search Approved Courses button to bring up a list of all courses in that department.
- Sort by facets (top center left in the gold bar) - Sort courses by filtering by status (active, withdrawn, or pruned), level, units, requirements, etc., by selecting facets in the list on the left side. Selected facets can be removed by clicking on the red X at the top of the facets list.
- Show compact or detailed list - View a compact list or more details for each course by toggling between List and Detail at the top left of the proposal list. The detailed list shows the latest comment (if any).
- Show users in your department (top right) - The round button depicting two people will show all the users in your department and list their user role. Additionally, other users who have view-only access to courses will be listed.
- List of Proposals (upper top left button) - Your proposal list shows course number, flags, who the proposal is assigned to, the status of the proposal, and the expected COCI review date. The list can be sorted by selecting an option from the "Sort by" menu.
Note: Users can view a list of all recent proposals and a list of all approved courses. Use the View Proposals and Search Approved Courses buttons to toggle between the lists.