An instructor may assign a grade of Incomplete if a student’s work in a course has been of passing quality but is incomplete due to circumstances beyond the student’s control.
Replacement of I Grades for Undergraduate Students
1. Undergraduates must complete the required course work at least 30 days prior to the instructor's deadline to change the I grade. The instructor may impose an earlier date for the submission of required coursework, at their discretion.
2. For a Fall semester course, the instructor deadline to change I grades is the first day of instruction of the following fall semester.
For a Spring semester or Summer Session course, the instructor deadline to change I grades is the first day of instruction of the following spring semester.
Extension of these deadlines may be authorized through a petition process established by the college, school, or division. The student is typically responsible for this petition.
3. Students should not formally enroll in the course to complete the remaining work. If a student formally repeats the course, the original I grade will convert automatically to a grade of F (or NP, if the course was taken on a P/NP basis), and the student may repeat the course subject to the conditions for repetition of courses.
4. Students should make arrangements with the instructor (or the department chair if the instructor is unavailable) for the completion of the required course work at least 30 days prior to the deadline for replacement of the I grade. To avoid problems in revising I grades; however, it is wise to complete the required work and file the petition as soon as possible.
5. Students may choose to retain (“freeze”) an I grade permanently on their record by the same deadlines mentioned above. Once an I grade is so retained, the student may not enroll in the course again at UC Berkeley and may not unfreeze the I grade. Students may freeze a maximum of two I grades (whatever the unit value of the course). To freeze an I grade students must submit a “Petition to Retain an Incomplete Grade Permanently on the Record” to their college or school office by the appropriate deadline.
6. If a student does not complete or freeze an I grade by the appropriate deadline, the Office of the Registrar will convert the I grade to an F or NP. From that point on, the grade, if F, is counted in computing the student’s grade point average in the same manner as any other assigned F. Once an I grade has converted to an F or NP, the student may repeat the course subject to the conditions for repetition of courses.
7. If a student graduates before the deadline for replacement of an I grade, it will never be replaced by an F or NP. The student has the option, however, of replacing the I grade by the deadline.