CLC | CLINIC | Students learn skills by actual practice involving patients or clients |
COL | COLLOQUIUM | A seminar led by different instructors |
CON | CONVERSATION | The practice of conversation in a foreign language |
DEM | DEMONSTRATION | Student observation of an instructional display or performance |
DIS | DISCUSSION | The exchange of opinions or questions on course material |
FLD | FIELDWORK | Instructional activity in non-classroom settings |
GRP | DIRECTED GROUP STUDY | Directed group study |
IND | INDEPENDENT STUDY | Student-initiated educational activity |
INT | INTERNSHIP | Individual activity in authentic non-academic setting arranged by instructor |
LAB | LABORATORY | Instructional experiences requiring special laboratory equipment and facilities |
LEC | LECTURE | Instructor presentation of course materials |
REA | READING | The practice of reading in a foreign language |
REC | RECITATION | Oral review of course material by students |
SEM | SEMINAR | Student-instructor coverage of course materials |
SES | SESSION | Instructor presentation of course material, with further discussion |
SLF | SELF-PACED | Student-paced coverage, usually with individualized attention, of assigned course material |
STD | STUDIO | Student practice of studio skills and/or tasks |
SUP | SUPPLEMENT | Extra meetings for the review or elaboration of course materials |
TUT | TUTORIAL | Supplementary (or remedial) individualized instruction |
VOL | VOLUNTARY | Review of material presented in class lectures or review of laboratory sections. Unit credit not awarded. Attendance not required. |
WBL | WEB-BASED LECTURE | Web-based or technologically-mediated activities replacing standard lectures. Discontinued in Spring 2021. |
WBD | WEB-BASED DISCUSSION | Web-based or technologically-mediated activities replacing standard discussion sections. Discontinued in Spring 2021. |
WOR | WORKSHOP | Student practice of mathematical skills and/or tasks |
Instructional Formats in CMS are accompanied by checkboxes that indicate "online" and "in-person." The appropriate boxes should be checked for all courses. In addition to these checkboxes, the "Explanation of Proposed Scheduling" requires departments to provide a narrative description of how the course will meet in-person, online, or a combination of modalities.