6.4.2 Academic Content Page

  • Course description - The course description should let students know the general content of the course. Do not include data that will be captured in other parts of the proposal (e.g., instructor name, terms offered, credit restrictions, etc). Requirements that go beyond routine reading, writing, and studying assignments should be noted in the course description (e.g., field trips, off-campus research assignments, etc).

    • The campus standard for course descriptions is 500 characters. However, CMS will allow up to 750 characters (including spaces). Courses approved prior to the 2013 launch of CMS that include course descriptions exceeding 750 characters have been migrated to CMS as is. Existing course descriptions exceeding 750 characters have been migrated to CMS as is, but if the department initiates a request to modify such a course, the system will require the description to be shortened to the 750 character limit. When making a change to a course description, if the change is small, a new syllabus is generally not required. If the change in course description implies that the course content will change substantially, a new syllabus should be appended.

    • Please adhere to style conventions when writing course descriptions (see Style Guide).

  • Course Objectives (Optional) – Course objectives do not appear in the Berkeley Academic Guide and are not considered by COCI when reviewing course proposal. They are for use by departments internally.

  • Student Learning Outcomes (Optional) – Student learning outcomes o not appear in the Berkeley Academic Guide and are not considered by COCI when reviewing course proposal. They are for use by departments internally.