Final Assessment in New Courses

  • When an undergraduate course is created, if it has a final exam, it is automatically assigned a final exam group based on the day and time the course is offered and it is included on the Final Examination Schedule.
  • When creating a new course, an instructor must submit a course proposal and a syllabus. In the appropriate section of the course proposal, the instructor should select one of the options:
    1. a written final exam conducted during the final exam period at the officially scheduled exam time for the course;
    2. an alternative method of final assessment (along with a short description of that method); or
    3. no final exam of any kind (please provide a justification).
  • The syllabus should indicate the type of final assessment method for the course (and the relative weight of the final assessment on students’ final grades).
  • Note that a final paper assigned in lieu of a written final exam cannot be required to be completed or turned in during the regular semester's period of formal instruction nor during the reading/review/recitation (RRR) period; final performances and presentations may be scheduled under certain circumstances before or during RRR week (see section 2.1.12), but instructors are encouraged to use the RRR week as much as possible for synthesis, review, and revision of papers or projects for final student assessment.